


其實自從懷孕之後, 有時候會因為對自己沒自信, 對未來很迷惘
情緒起伏得很大, 有時候很容易開心, 有時候很容易哭泣
Actually, after I pregnant I become very sensitive~~
Sometimes I will confuse about my future, and don't believe myself
Or feel sad and uncomfortable about all the changes~
Will I be a good mom? Away from my hometown,my family, my friends, freaking me out~

最近我的肚子悶悶痛痛的, 心中無限的不安~~是我吃錯東西嗎?
是子宮收縮嗎? 我的寶寶還好嗎?....
Recently, I feel my belly not alright~~Did I eat something wrong?
Or maybe my Uterine contractions? My baby is alright? 

所有我心中的擔憂都在醫生說: "你看你的寶寶在跟你打招呼喔~"之後得到舒緩
All the worries has gone by Doctor's word: Look!~~Your baby say hello to you!
Looking baby shaking little hand and feet, I can's help to said: Sooooo cute!!

醫生說: 對阿, 你不用擔心, 寶寶長得很健康, 頭腦也都發育得不錯
要每天懷抱著他會很可愛的心情, 那他就會長得很健康
Doctor said: Yeah~ Don't worry about that~~Baby is really healthy. Brian also going well
So all you need is image baby will be very adorable then he/she will be fine. 

就在這個時候我不小心打了個噴嚏, 超音波中的寶寶跟著我一起翻動
At the same time I suddenly sneeze~my baby just rolling with my sneeze
That is the most wonderful picture i've ever seen.....Oh my god~~
I already so love you before you born~~~~

每當我看到寶寶的超音波, 他一天天的長大, 心中掩不住雀躍
一直都不太喜歡扛責任喜歡輕鬆過的我, 卻覺得他是甜蜜的負荷
Whenever I saw baby keep growing everyday, it really fulfill my life
Such a sweet burden but it all worth~~~

看到他的可愛模樣, 一切辛苦, 吃東西就想吐, 半夜睡不著都不要緊了
這就是為人母的喜悅巴? 真的好神奇~~如果不是親身經歷真的不懂
After saw baby's cute face, all the suffer, all the pain is no big deal~~
As mom is such a great miracle!~~Now I'm finally aware of that!~~




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